With our Kickstarter Campaign in full swing we still could use your help! 7 days left to go and just under $9000 left to raise! Do you know anyone who needs math tutoring? With out tutoring package, you’ll get free tutoring for live and an iPad mini! We’ve developed the Judo math Dojo just for our kids and yours!
The Judo Math Dojo is the ultimate tutoring site for your child to tackle the Common Core and includes the following features:
- Videos made by kids covering every math topic from 4th grade to 9th grade. Topics are organized by grade level and easily accessed within belt tiers.
- Kids can immediately upload videos from their Ipad to practice explaining and help others. A student from South Carolina can post a video to help a student in Canada!
- Practice problems with answers, also organized by grade level and belt tier. Students can even choose to progress through the belts online and take advancement tests to work towards a black belt.
- A support forum for kids to ask questions and connect with one another.
- Teachers are online for support as well. With the use of an iPad and Educreations app, personalized dialogue can occur between student and teacher….all online.
Watch an example of a student help video here: Dojo Video
If you pledge today, you’ll have full access to the dojo! Happy Pledging!